The IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine investigates the molecular mechanisms through which particles, radiation and environmental chemicals harm human health. The main working areas are environmentally induced aging of the pulmonary system and the skin as well as disturbances of the nervous and immune system (for details please see:
The different research groups at IUF are being supported by core units / technology platforms. The work of the core unit “Computational Exposure Assessment (CEA)” serves to understand and predict the way climate and air pollution variables affect human health. The core unit develops models and builds databases from combined satellite and ground monitoring stations to assess the environmental impact under different emission and concentration scenarios. The aim is the application of models to assign personal exposure to pollutants and climate stressors with fine resolution, aiming to capture and determine even small differences in health risks caused by the variation of personal exposure in urban environments. The unit also seeks to build and validate databases for areas with no coverage of ground monitoring stations, with a special interest in urban areas in low-and-middle-income countries (e.g. India).
The IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine in Düsseldorf is now offering a position of the Head of Core Unit “Environmental Exposure Modelling” (f/m/d).
- Developing high-resolution data sets of environmental exposures (like air pollution, temperature) around the world, leveraging public and/or open-source data where available;
- Creating valuation models for various types of pollutants;
- You have a strong background (ideally a Ph.D. in a related field) in (geo)spatial modelling.
- Your education is in Metereology, Geography, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computational Sciences, Data Science, Environmental Sciences, or another field.
The position is initially limited for 2 years with the option of a permanent position. The weekly working time totals 39 hours and 50 minutes. Remuneration is given in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement for the employees of the states (TV-L).
Please address your application (incl. letter of motivation, CV, references, qualification certificates), preferably electronically, to
Prof. Dr. Jean Krutmann
IUF – Leibniz-Institut für umweltmedizinische Forschung
c/o Personalstelle
Auf’m Hennekamp 50
40225 Düsseldorf
Application documents submitted by post are not returned. Documents for applicants not considered are destroyed appropriately once the procedure is complete.