Gender equality and diversity

IUF implements the DFG's Research-Oriented Equity and Diversity Standards for the active promotion of gender equality and the promotion of diversity of the German Research Foundation.

All individuals are to be guaranteed equal opportunities and possibilities in the realization of individual career aspirations at all organizational levels.

Since 2016, the Leibniz Equality Standards have also been implemented.

IUF currently employs 70% women in scientific positions. Our working groups are gender-mixed, international and cross-generational. Communication takes place in English and German.

Since 2013, IUF has been certified with the "Audit berufundfamilie". IUF promotes the compatibility of work and family, nursing and care responsibilities also in science and research, among other things, by making working hours and work location more flexible.

Link to the certificate

Confirmation of the management as PDF

Equal opportunities officer:

Susanne Grether-Beck
Phone: 0211-3389-303